What i love about sci-fi, is when some thing happens and the military are called in and they balls everything up and it's down to one person and a renegade soldier to stop it. Living Hell Follows this plot line exactly, but it does it very well alot like the early 50s through to the early 90s paranoia sci-fi like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Andromeda strain and Abel Ferrara's Bodysnatcher. Living hell is a great edition to this staple of sci-fi flicks...

I know that my review of the plot makes it sound rubbish but this is far from it, this film was fantastic, it had the feel of Andromeda strain and of Bodysnatchers, a low-key sci-fi horror that needs to be seen as its a great addition to the kind of films that makes sci-fi such an interesting genre, and this was a sci-fi channel original or aired exclusively on that channel, which considering the track record that sci-fi orginals have, there's not much a bar as most suck, Living Hell is one film to watch, it's well made, well written, well acted and an all round great film. i came across the film buy accident and im glad i did...
FILM: 8/10
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