RAMPAGE (2009) UWE BOLL MOVIE REVIEW - Cine-Apocalypse


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Friday 25 June 2010


Shit merchant Uwe Boll has returned with a new film from a hiatas that seems to lasted all of 3 weeks, anyway he's got a new film out called Rampage, and as much as it pains me to say, this is actually a pretty good film.....i know, i know, shame on you pedro. Check out the review after the jump....

 Well what can i say about a Uwe Boll film. Im guessing most people won't give this the time of day seeing as the German movie makers name is attached, but i encourage you to check this film out, it's definately his best film so far...

A young man with obvious mental problems lives with his parents and works in a low paid job has a mechanic. He is seen to be constantly bombarded with the worlds problems via the TV and radio and listening to the views of what seems his only friend. After being told by his parents that its time he left home and being victimised by his boss at work he devises a plan to reduce the local towns population because he believes overcrowding is causing the worlds problems. He builds a suit from Kevlar and makes his way into town, first he immobalizes the local police by using a remote controlled van full of explosives to destroy the police station. He then goes on a killing spree killing people at random including a local coffee shop owner he earlier had a disagreement with over the foam on his coffee. He robs a bank after killing most of the employees then puts on a show of burning some of the money to show that its worthless and also the cause of the worlds problems. After the killing spree he phones his friend who is waiting in a near by forrest expecting some paintball compitition with the young man. When he arrives at the forrest he immobalizes his friend with a stun gun and places a pistol in his hand shooting him in the head to make it look like suicide. he leaves the body surrounded by the kevlar suit and some of the stolen money and makes his way home before his parents arrive home with tales of horror about what has gone on in the town. The film finishes with a video of the young man saying he about to go on his own personal quest to further reduce the population and you see him packing a large amount of money and belongings before he leaves. The police believing they have the dead perpertrator also arrest the dead mans father who has an history as a political activist. Just before the titles are played a statement is shown saying the young man vanished and his where abouts are unknown.

On to the film it's self. Boll has some how managed to learn how to write and direct competantly with this film, It's incredibly well written, and for a man who people dismiss as useless, actually proves him self to be a good film maker. The film is shot with a sort of documentary style look, handheld shakey-cam with a washed out look to it. Two scenes in particular stand out due to the sheer tension Boll has managed to work up, the first inside a women's hair salone which is quite a shocking tense scene, the second is where the main actor walks into a bingo hall, dressed in all his combat armour with his auto-matic weapons, and proceeds to sit down and eat a sandwich, not a single person bats an eyelid to this. So for people who bash Boll for being crap, let me say this, he is a competant director, just not at making video games movies, plus he's making films of games that aren't that popular, why do we need a dungeon Siege movie, we have lord of the rings...

The Cast 
The cast in Rampage is pretty good, it's quite odd how a man with his rep would be able to get the casts that he does, anyway with this film he went low-key, there are some familier faces in there such as Matt Frewer and Michael Pare, but the film belongs to Brendan Fletcher (HBO's Pacific) as Bill williamson, and my god can this kid act, not only is he a good actor but he is actually pretty creepy and menacing in the film.


The film is high on the body-count side, with around 35 bodies at least taken out by bill, some of the scenes of violence can be quite brutal and at times a little to much, as it is shot very realistically. But it's not about the violence but the acting. This film on acting alone get's 7/10 from me...

Final Verdict
I know ive praised this film in the review but, when it all comes down to it, the film is trying to pervey a message, what that message is, i couldn't tell you because it must have gotten lost amidst the bullets and blood, so when you think about it, was the film any good, you know what, it was but i can't help thinking, was there a point. 

Im gonna rate this a little differently this time....

STORY:  3/10
ACTING: 7/10


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