RUN! BITCH! RUN! (2009) REVIEW - Cine-Apocalypse

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Wednesday, 8 September 2010


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Carrying on with my trawl through my to watch pile, i came across a DVD that i purchased a while back and just placed it on my shelf. With the release of the Tarantino/Rodriguez Grind-house Experience, these 'Homages' started springing up, films such as Bitch Slap, the Feast Sequels, Black Dynamite and this one, the exploitatively titled RUN! BITCH! RUN!...

!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING! SPOILERS AFTER THE JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've only recently discovered the joys of Exploitation films, but ive worked through my fair share. Run! Bitch! Run! takes the rules of certain films and blatantly rips them off, or to an extent 'Homages' them. 
Films that are obviously ripped off/homaged range from Last House On The Left, Thriller: A cruel Picture and I Spit on Your Grave. Anyhow here's my review.



Two Bible seller, travel to a town to sell the word of the lord. After being treated badly and having their money stolen by Daeg Faerch (young Michael Myers RZ's Halloween) they try one last house, unfortunately they chose the wrong abode as it's tenants are a gang of crazed criminals lead by Lobo, a sort of Fabio looking nutter who likes to howl like a wolf, he's joined by psycho lesbian hooker Marla and the naive but unstable stuttering Clint. The Two girls witness Lobo execute a female employee for stealing a stash of coke. The girls are dragged into the house and made to play Russian roulette by Marla as Lobo and Clint dispose of the dead woman's body and the car belonging to the girls. After one of the girls blows her brains out, the remaining girl is taken to the woods where she is brutally raped by Lobo and left for dead by Clint. Waking to find herself naked and alone in the woods. Catherine is found by a driver and is taken to a hospital. She wakes and leaves the hospital dressed as a nurse and proceeds to exact her revenge on the psycho's who fucked her up. 


CHERYL LYONE as Catherine
Wow this woman can act. This Being a low-budget movie i was expecting some seriously abysmal acting and i was proven wrong. In the scenes where Catherine is being Raped, Lyone is unbelievable, the way she acts is as though we're actually watching this, which in it's self if disturbing. It's an incredibly brutal scene and she completely owns it. Another stand out scene is the ending. Cheryl Lyone is incredibly pretty. It's more of a natural beauty and i can see her making a name for her self. 

Slightly annoying character in all honesty, no-where near as menacing as David Hess as Krug in Last House. He just comes across as douche bag. Pete Tahoe seems like a capable actor, it's just a shame his character is a bit of a dud. 

The character of Marla should have been the character for Lobo as she is the most disturbed of the three. From making the girls play Russian Roulette to the brutal stabbing of a trick at the start. Ivet Corvea is a very capable actress and strangly attactive. She's in the follow up film Called Nude Nuns With Big Guns coming this year. 

Winscher is good as the stuttering pothead, it's a shame that his character didn't change through out the film because there is a point where he knows what he's doing is wrong but still continues to do them. I think there's an element of peer pressure from Lobo. He's good though.


as this is a low-budget film, you expect a level of direction. A level that is professional but not Hollywood. It Seems that this has a single camera set up for each shot and the film itself is shot very well. it's lit well and has some interesting angles. My only gripe with the filming is that they seemed to change stock on some scenes. All in all it's a well made and edited film.

Ok, the film is entertaining and has some really really dark moments that are quite uncomfortable to watch, but the film tries to hard to be the films it is emulating. Instead of bringing something original to the plot, it just borrows from other well known films. Especially the one i previously mentioned the main one being I Spit On Your Grave. But when it comes down to it, The film is saved by a brilliant performance from Cheryl Lyone and a Psychotic performance from Ivet Corvea. I picked this up really cheap on dvd, I think i paid something like 4 pound for it, so if you can find it that cheap, by all means go for it, but if your planning on spending anymore than that, i'd suggest using the money to get an uncut I Spit or the film Thriller: A Cruel Picture. 

FILM: 6/10 Purely for the 2 performances i've highlighted.


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