THE RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS (1983) Dir: Ruggero Deodato - Cine-Apocalypse


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Sunday, 19 August 2012

THE RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS (1983) Dir: Ruggero Deodato

This new review is for a film that looks like a rip off of Mad Max, but is actually one of the most fun, yet incredibly flawed films i've ever seen. From the director of the controversial yet hauntingly beautiful Cannibal Holocaust, Ruggero Deodato, I give you action extravaganza, The Raiders Of Atlantis. Check out my review after the jump....

Anyone familiar with Italian exploitation and horror cinema will know the name Ruggero Deodato, in fact one of his films was reviewed by Richard Long a few weeks ago (Phantom Of Death), but he's probably best known for his film Cannibal Holocaust, cited as the most banned film of all time and one of the most controversial films ever made, however, he's also a pretty good action director, maybe not as good as Enzo G.Castellari (Keoma/Inglorious Bastards) but he's still pretty good. Instead of the animal cruelty and epic gore-athon's that people usually associate Deodato with, The Raiders Of Atlantis aka Atlantis Interceptors aka I Predatori Di Atlantide (original Italian Title), is a fairly bloodless film save for a decapitation and some other minor graphic moments towards the end, this is quite a departure for Deodato and it somehow works.

The plot of Raiders Of Atlantis follows Mike Ross, a sort of merc and his partner Mohammed/Washington (we're really not told what his name is), they've just finished a job for a man called the Colonel (who we never see again) so Ross and Washington fuel up Ross's boat and head off to a tropical island to retire and live the good life. Mean while, out in the Atlantic ocean, an offshore rig, staffed by scientists are trying to raise a sunken Russian nuclear sub with the help of sexy scientist Dr. Cathy Collins who has been brought there to decipher so ancient hieroglyphs on recently discovered stone, during the raising of the sub they inadvertently end up raising not only the sub but also the lost city of Atlantis. This accidental rising of Atlantis causes a massive tidal wave which pretty much obliterates the ocean rig and the people on it. After the wave has died down, Mike Ross, Washington and they're deck hand Manuel, pick up a few of the survivors, Dr. Cathy Collins, Prof. Peter Saunders, Chopper pilot Bill Cook and some other assorted technicians. They make they're way to land where they discover that Manuel is a descendent of the Atlantians and that they're all going to die. He dives off the boat and re-appears spouting the same old nonsense as he did on the boat, but that's about 15 minutes late. On dry land, Mike and the survivors discover that the island has been destroyed by the returning Atlantians, led by a dude who wears a crystal skull helmet, he's sort of this films Lord Humongous from The Road Warrior but all skinny and looks like a dentist. Anyway the Atlantians are all apoca-punks, (this is an 80s Mad Max rip off, of course they all look like this) and they drive around in souped up customised motorbikes and convertibles as if there was a West Coast Customs on Atlantis preparing all these vehicles in anticipation for their return. After some Assault On Precinct 13 style siege scenes, Cathy gets kidnapped by the Atlantians and the survivors find a chopper and make their way to Atlantis to rescue her.

T'is a silly film, but a wholly enjoyable slice of fun thanks to some good action scenes and a great lead in Christopher Connelly, who's like a middle aged Rambo. He's got some great lines and delivers a pretty good performance. The same can't be said for Gioia Scola who plays Dr. Cathy Collins who is clearly dubbed but due to the god awful dubbing, there's no way to actually tell if Scola is giving a good or bad performance. Tony King who plays Washington is also quite good, he's like Mike Ross's Man Friday and his additional muscle. The rest of the cast do what they can but it's Connelly who reigns supreme as the bad ass middle aged action master.

For a film made on a small budget, it contains a lot of great action scenes, the siege against the warehouse and the bar are pretty good and there's a great scene of a guy dropping from a helicopter onto the roof of a moving bus, there's a lot of gunfire too which is always a blessing. Action fans should lap this up, but if it's sophistication you're looking for, stay the hell away from this, it's fast paced, hugely flawed, and I mean hugely flawed, badly dubbed and a mess editing wise with continuity issues aplenty, but it's all part of the charm and charisma of the film. It's a shame that it's not readily available in a remastered edition as the version I saw was a VHS rip, albeit a pretty good VHS rip, in one of those big 50 Movie Boxsets from Mill Creek (R1 DVD ) but this film need to be unleashed on the public so people can lap up the awesomeness of it.

In many ways it's kind of like a companion piece to Castellari's awesome, and very well made, The Bronx Warriors, which for me is the best of the early 80s Italian Mad Max rip offs, but if you get a chance to check this out, Action fans will not be disappointed. Is it Deodato's best work? No fucking way, Cannibal Holocaust, for all it's graphic scenes of violence, mutilation and animal cruelty is a brilliantly crafted and hauntingly beautiful film, The Raiders Of Atlantis, although incredibly awesome, is bad, but because it's so bad it becomes epically good and I enjoyed every single minute of it. For that alone it gets 4 stars.   

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