FAST & FURIOUS 6 (2013) Dir: Justin Lin - Cine-Apocalypse

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Friday, 14 June 2013

FAST & FURIOUS 6 (2013) Dir: Justin Lin

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I've been seriously lacking in the review writing department these last few weeks, my last review was the slightly terrible Gangster Squad which I wrote about a month ago. But I've returned with a new review, this one is for Fast & Furious 6. Check out my review after the jump...

FastandFurious6-teaserposterAnother year another Fast & Furious film graces the multiplex cinema screens, some might read that
statement and think I'm pissed off with this franchise but that couldn't be further from the truth, I am a huge fan of this franchise, from in sleeper hit beginnings in Rob Cohen's 2000 film The Fast And The Furious through 2 Fast 2 Furious, Tokyo Drift Fas & Furious and Fast 5, I’ve followed the story of former LAPD detective turned criminal Brian O'Conner and Street Racing Legend Dominic Torretto and with the exception of the fourth film, which I wasn't hugely fussed on, I’ve enjoyed every minute of every film. With Fast 5, the action was amped up and the scope and scale widened to allow more car action and gun-play than previous films, setting the film in Rio also helped as they were away from familiar the territory of L.A. Fast & Furious 6, which I shall call Furious 6, takes us to another country this time around, well two countries to be precise, The U.K and Spain get the F&F crew to destroy their cities. Since the fifth film, the films have moved away from the street racing scene that made them so popular and have moved into the realm of car chases and heists with unmarked vehicles and minimal custom jobs, does this hurt the franchise? Surprisingly no it doesn't, where director Justin Lin and writer Chris Morgan have taken the franchise is far more than just street racing, sure there are elements there such as the the London race but the focus is more on getaway driving and car chasing, which lends the film a bigger scope in relation to the action, the films have progressed from the L.A/Miami kit car street racing of the first two and taken us to the realms of big men with big guns and big explosions. To be honest, 6 films of just street racing would get exceedingly boring and would not really allow the series to progress. I'm a sucker for anything car based when it comes to movies, and the Fast & Furious series is tailor made for someone like me (BTW I can't actually drive).

This time Dom and his crew are 'hired' by Hobbs (The Rock) who asks them to help him take down a notorious gang of thieves led by the ruthless Shaw, an ex-black ops soldier and master wheel-man who are trying to locate the last remaining part of a device to build a bomb. Dom wants nothing to do with the case as he's stopped running and has a good life with Elena (the female cop from Fast 5) , Brian and Mia have a kid and their a family once again. Dom changes his mind when Hobbs shows him pictures of Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) who supposedly died at the start of F&F4. This forces Dom to take the wheel once again with Brian in tow as they're a family and family stick together. Dom and Brian start getting their crew back together. Then for the next 110 minutes there are explosions, car chases, gun fights and an exploding plane. That's not really how the plot goes but it's what basically happens, but then again isn't that what happens in most movies, you get the set up and then it's GO! GO! GO, on the pyrotechnics. Don't get me wrong there is a plot within the film but it comes second to the mayhem that Justin Lin and the Furious crew bring.
But if you like fast cars, big men with big guns (and not in a homo-erotic way), hot girls and 'splosions, you can't go wrong with this film.

At the moment it seems like the best thing to do to revive a dying franchise is to cast Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in your movies, F&F did it with Fast 5 because of the lower than normal box office of the fourth and the general dislike for it and it worked, Fast 5 was a bigger, badder and better beast of a film compare to the over CG'd look of the fourth. Fast 5 became the highest grossing film of the franchise and this was due to the inclusion of Johnson. G.I Joe: Retaliation also decided that Johnson was needed because of the lower than expected box office takings of Rise Of Cobra (which I think is a totally awesome film) and I do believe that the sequel has grossed more than the first, but we can't lay all the praise on the Rock for that, they did cast Bruce Willis as the 'Original Joe'. But as Hobbs, Johnson gets to flex his action muscles as the Interpol agent assigned with recruiting Dom, Brian and the rest of the crew and his interplay with the cast is fantastic, there are some great scenes between Hobbs and Taj (Ludacriss) and the way he keeps burning Roman (Tyrese Gibson) is genuinely funny. I for one would enjoy a Hobbs spin off.

Vin Diesel, while looking much much older than he did back in 2000 still kicks some mighty ass as Dominic Torretto. F&F throught 1,2 and 4 have mostly focussed on Brian, he was the main character focus for those films (I know Vin wasn't in 2 Fast) but I liked how this was Dom's movie, this was Dom's time, sure he was more prominent in Fast 5 but he's searching for the woman he loved who he believed was dead and this is the main focus of Furious 6 and while Diesel might not be the most diverse actor, he manages to get his emotions across. It's odd to think that in the space of 14 years Diesel has had a hand in 3 franchise, the Fast And Furious series, the Riddick chronicles and the Triple X movies with the Return Of Xander Cage apparently on the horizon and they're all decent but flawed characters, Riddick is obviously the most obvious anti-hero and Xander Cage was kinda forced into working as a spy, which by the way is like Barney the purple Dinosaur working as a spy, they're both so obvious.

Then we have Brian O'Connor, former L.A PD detective turned criminal turned FBI agent turned criminal again, this time, Brian isn't the main focus of the movie which I think was good thing, Brian's had his time, he got with Mia and now they have a child, it's good that they focussed more on the Dom character. Paul Walker is his usual surfer dude self but it would be odd if he wasn't there, like 2 Fast 2 Furious was without Vin. The saddest thing about the cast is how ill Jordana Brewster looks, she's deathly thing and this is so obvious in he face, it's quite shocking to see some so pretty look they way she does now. I watched The Faculty a few weeks back and yes I know that was made in 1998 and was 15 years ago and people do change, but the way she looked then compared to how she looks now is quite a transformation, I hope she's not suffering from any sort of eating disorder because that would be horrible, but she doesn't look well.

What it all boils down to though, is Fast And Furious 6 a good film? Yes I believe it is, well in it's genre it's a good film but you can't compare a film like this to a film like The King's Speech because they're from two different worlds (Li'l Simpsons reference for you there), they're completely different types of films. Now I bet you're asking your self, did he just compare Fast 6 with the Oscar winning Kings Speech?, well yes and no, I was just using KS as an example of being from a whole other genre of films, but in it's genre, that of the action variety, Fast 6 is a stonker of an action film, it never lets up from minute 1 and that's what I want from my action films. I do recommend seeing it especially if you've followed the series. I enjoyed it thoroughly and can't wait to see what happens in the seventh film if the post credit's sequence is anything to go by, which if you don't know by now, or unless you've been living under a rock for the last 3 months, features a cameo from Jason Statham as Ian Shaw, which should hopefully tie Tokyo Drift with the rest of the series. I'm going to give Fast & Furious 6 five stars because it entertained me immensely...


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