EVERLY (2015) Dir: Joe Lynch - Cine-Apocalypse


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Monday, 26 January 2015

EVERLY (2015) Dir: Joe Lynch

New film review time, Everly is a fast paces action flick that takes place inside an apartment starring Salma Hayek. A Bloody action packed film with a strong central female character and some nefarious Yakuza type bad guys. Check out my review after the jump...

Everly is the kind of film you'd expect to see while going through the list of films on Netflix, that hidden gem you new nothing about but clicked to see if it was any good and 90 minutes later you're completely happy that you clicked it because EVERLY is an insanely fun, adults only action flick that zips by and leaves you wanting more.

The film is directed by Joe Lynch, primarily known for horror, even though he's only directed 1 horror film and the LARPING comedy, Knights Of Badassdom, a film unfairly taken away from him and re-edited, Lynch is still known as a horror guy, but if ever a film was to cement a director for future feature films, Everly would be that film. It seems that Lynch has put everything into Everly, his blood, sweat and tears and it shows. The film is a heightened reality movie, a comic book exploitation movie along the lines of Michael Davis' Shoot 'Em Up (2007) and Kern Saxton's Sushi Girl (2012) that owes a debt to the films of Quentin Tarantino, maybe not directly but there is a definite sense of influence in these films. It also takes in cues from Japanese Yakuza films, Gangster movies, Die Hard etc.

The plot of Everly is incredibly simple. Everly is a whore, not by choice but by force, taken from her life and her family 4 years prior, Everly was once the girlfriend of sadistic Yakuza crime boss, Taiko, a ruthless criminal with everything in his pockets including the cops. After being brutalized by a group of Yakuza one night, Everly decides enough is enough and in a fit of rage kills the group of Yakuza. She receives a phone call from Taiko who proclaims that she will not live to see morning, she will die in the apartment that night. For the next 90 minutes, Everly will have to take on hitmen, corrupt coppers, a Yakuza torturer and hookers trying to kill her for $50,000.

Lynch described EVERLY as “die hard in an apartment” and he's not wrong their as Everly despatched anyone and anything (including a dog) that tries to kill her, much like John McClane does in Die Hard.

Salma Hayek give a strong performance and the title character, Everly. The film relies on an actress to carry the entire plot and she's rarely off screen, she needs to be tough but sexy and Hayek has that in spades, a stunning beauty but with a badass attitude, and for a woman at the age of 48, Hayek still looks like an woman in her early 30s. She does a great job and really does carry the film perfectly.

The Action works perfectly in the close surroundings of the apartment and the adjacent corridor which to takes a battering. Lynch handles the action well considering the premise takes place in a single location, the gun fights are fun and well choreographed and some of them come across as darkly comic. There's also a healthy amount of the red stuff on display in Everly, a lot of blood is spilled so to say including a scene with an elevator but i'll leave that up to your imagination.

Like I previously stated, Everly is a film not intended to be taken seriously, it's a brutal, darkly comic action romp with it's tongue firmly in it's cheek and Lynch and writer, Yale Hannon know this, it's the bloody idiots who expect realism in an action movie who don't actually get the film.

I think Everly is destined to become a cult fave, that's a pretty cool tag to have when you think of the amount of films out there that have gained that status over the years including flicks like Mad Max 2 and The Crow, so Everly will be in good company. If this is what we can expect from Joe Lynch when not handcuffed to producers wrists and with full creative control, I can just about see Lynch making it in the big leagues, it's happened before, James Gunn started off with Troma and last year made the best Marvel movie to date with Guardians OF The Galaxy.

Everly is a great action flick with some minor tickles but don't let that stop your enjoyment. I loved it and I hope others love it too...  

Everly (2015) Dir: Joe Lynch
Starring: Salma Hayek, Jennifer Blanc, Togo Igawa, Hiroyuki Watanabe
Cert: 18-UK/R-US for Strong Bloody Violence, Torture, Nudity, Sexual Images and Language
Runtime: 92 Mins.  

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