HARDCORE HENRY (2016) Dir: Ilya Naishuller - Cine-Apocalypse


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Wednesday, 22 June 2016

HARDCORE HENRY (2016) Dir: Ilya Naishuller

Action movie review time. POV action coming our way courtesy of Hardcore Henry. This full on in your face action movie is the first of it's kind in the action genre. Full of insane stunts, intense gun fights and one of the fastest paced action films since Crank, but is it any good?...check out my review after the jump, be warned this review may contain spoilers...

I rarely play video games, I don't have the patience for them these days unless the game has a story mode that I can really get into. I did however recently play the excellent Uncharted 4 and loved every minute of it. It's essentially Man Raider but the plot was exciting, had huge Goonie references and the action was well handled but my usual go to type of game to just pick up and play would be first person shooters such as the Call Of Duty franchise, the Medal Of Honour franchise and the Battlefield franchise. Maybe it's because of my psychotic sensibilities where I just like to shoot people in the face and feel no remorse afterwards, I think that is what draws me into the FPS genre of gaming. I talk about gaming and FPS games because of the film i'm reviewing, the first (apparently) First person perspective action film...HARDCORE HENRY. HH is entirely shot in the FPS style using Go-Pro cameras to put the audience into the shoes of cybernetic badass Henry.

The film follows our hero Henry, waking up in a status tank, like Luke was in at the start of Empire or the type of one Johnny Rico was stuck in after he was “killed” during the battle of Clendathu in Starship Troopers. He wakes up in a lab while a woman, his wife, explains to him what happened. She points out that he has missing limbs, a foot here, a hand there as she proceeds attach robo limbs to him. Suddenly while having his vocal modulator restored, a white haired telekinetic super villain infiltrates the lab and Henry must escape. We discover that the lab is in fact set up inside an airship high in the sky. What follows is 90 minutes of non-stop, viceral, bloody and extremely well staged action scenes as Henry, with the help of Jimmy, a scientist who uses Avatars to help Henry get to the super villain's HQ and rescue his wife.

Hardcore Henry is very thin on plot, what plot it does have is actually quite original. The whole cybernetic body parts, avatars, The telekinetic powers etc are all highly influenced by Japanese anime, it has a very cool Ghost in The Shell like vibe while still playing by it's own rules. It also has a Crank vibe, the non-stop action, one-liners etc all seem familiar but also at the same time feel refreshingly new. But the film has some major flaws, the lack of a talking protagonist takes out the emotional aspect of the main character and the super villain is a little on the weak side, I mean the guy has telekinetic powers that are never explained but looks like an albino grunge fan from the early 90s. Some of the editing is a bit jarring at points, jumping from one point to the other without giving the viewer time to take in the visuals, but the biggest flaw is the first person perspective, while at first it looks pretty cool and make you feel like you are Henry and it works really well during all the major action sequences, but when Henry gets into close quarter combat, you have no idea what the hell is going on, it's all a blur and people who suffer with motion sickness will have a hell of a time trying to watch it.

It does have some epically awesome moments though, and these do tend to out weigh the bad, the action is just incredible. It's like Mad Max Fury Road but instead of a car it's a turbo powered bloke, there's free running, car stunts, explosions and so many gun fights, all expertly choreographed and full of buckets of the red stuff. Two particular set pieces stood out, the bike chase along a freeway which included exploding, flipping vans, a rail gun, two sexy biker chicks and Henry jumping from truck to truck was insanely well staged as was the big gun battle in the abandoned building that housed Jimmy's Lab. It's the scene that was released a year prior to the films release, a sort of test run. One of the films biggest assets was Sharlto Copely, he nailed his part as Jimmy, the guiding voice of the film, he had to play multiple versions of Jimmy, sometimes in the same shot. The multiple Jimmy's were clones which is why each one had a separate personality. He also pulled off a pretty good cockney accent too.
The film also displayed some wonderful uses of music throughout from the directors own band, Biting Elbows to Queen and at one point, where Henry is about to mount a horse, the iconic theme from William Wyler's classic Western The Big Country starts, I found that quite amusing and also a little bit awesome. Just to point out that all of the stunts performed in Hardcore Henry were all performed for real with only a little bit of CGI for minor enhancements, that my friends is hardcore.

Hardcore Henry is the directorial debut of Russian born director Ilya Naishuller, who cut his teeth on a music video for his band called Bad Motherfucker, shot in the exact same style as HH, you can check out the music video at the bottom of the review. He handled his first film incredibly well, like I previously pointed out, the action is impeccable. So if he can do action like this for a POV style movie, what can he pull off with a normal film. There's a sort of weird renaissance of action movie directors doing action properly at the moment, Naishuller is just another added to the list that includes Gareth Evans (The Raid 1 & 2), John Hyams (Uni-Sol: Day Of Reckoning) William Kaufman (Sinners & Saints) and Isaac Florentine (Close Range) just to name a few. I'd be interested to see where Naishuller goes next, if he does.

Hardcore Henry will definitely not be for everyone, that is a given, however, if you're an action nut that likes his stunts real, his gunfights kinetic and their films fast paced, i'd recommend Hardcore Henry in a heartbeat, if not, maybe stick to the Marvel movies for your dose of easy to digest action. Hardcore Henry is a solid 3 star movie. A recommendation for action junkies.

Rating : 3.0

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