SUICIDE SQUAD (2016) Dir: David Ayer - Cine-Apocalypse


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Monday, 15 August 2016

SUICIDE SQUAD (2016) Dir: David Ayer

And so, a new review, almost 2 months after my last. I'm currently working on some stuff for the site which is why there is a lack of posts. Anywhoo, Review time. Today i'm taking a look and this years most anticipated comic book movie, SUICIDE SQUAD. To read my review, click the Check It Out button and have a read...It does contain minor spoilers but nothing too big.

This year saw the arrival of two big DC comics Expanded Universe movies, the first being the boring, bloated Zack Snyder explode-a-thon, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and this months highly anticipated DC villain smack down Suicide Squad. While I wasn't a fan of Batman V Superman, I was quite excited to see Director David Ayer's Dirty Rotten Scoundrels take to the big screen, the Trailers were pretty damn cool as you'd expect from Ayer and my expectations, while not high, were a lot bigger BvS.

Suicide Squad, featuring a cast of DC's best villains including Diablo, Killer Croc, Captain Boomerang, Enchantress, Slipknot, Deadshot, Harlequin and The Joker, should have been a no brainer, but to this viewer, it more than let me down. I didn't outright hate the movie, I just felt it was a missed opportunity to make something much more special. Don't get me wrong, the film has some great moments, but a few great moments don't make a great film. I'll explain the issues I had with the film a little further down, but for now, lets have a look at the plot...

A top secret government agency puts together a team of the baddest villains the world has seen to take on the metahuman terrorists that are on the rise. When an archaeologist gets taken over by an evil witch called Enchantress, the government find her heart and hold it hostage, basically forcing the witch to do their bidding, when she recovers her brothers soul, she sets out to build a machine to destroy the armies of the world and become the ruler of earth. So what do you do, you assemble a team of maniacs to take on the big bad, they include an assassin, the mental girlfriend of the joker, a man with pyro powers, a man who can climb anything, some dude who has a boomerang, a human/crocodile hybrid and a bad ass samurai who's sword collects the souls of the people she kills. They're led in the field by hardcore spec ops captain, Rick Flagg and calling all the shots if Government official, Amanda Waller. They're sent out into Metro city too...blah blah blah, to be totally honest there ain't much of a plot, just a series of action scenes strung together by a weak narrative to move the film from A to B.

It's certainly not a dull movie, the pace is pretty fast and you'll never find your attention drifting but for a film like this and with I don't know how many comics to cull a plot from, Ayer really dropped the ball on this one. I mean the trailers made out that the main villain was the Joker, but he has what amounts to about 5-8 minutes screen time, but that's not a bad thing because I absolutely hated Jared Leto's interpretation of The Joker, it felt like he was imitating Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson but wrapping it up in the guise of Tony Montana. His performance was way too over the top, almost pantomime like. I was never sold on Leto as the joker the moment his casting was announced.

With the exception of Leto, I quite liked the rest of the cast. Joel Kinnerman was pretty cool as Flagg and I felt he'd be pretty cool in a straight up action flick, the same for Scott Eastwood, one of the men on Flagg's seal teams. Mr, Eko (I ain't spelling his full name) was funny and hulking as Killer Croc and had some pretty killer lines. Jay Hernandez (Hostel) was pretty awesome as the homie with the fire power, who didn't want to use his powers because people end up dead when he does (like the Rock and Shotguns in The Rundown haha). Jai Courtney didn't make me want to punch the TV this time which a step in the right direction for the Aussie. I usually want to break something when he appears, he had some of the funnier lines of the support Squad and he made the role his own even if his character was a bit shit. Viola Davis owned her role as Amanda Waller, even if it is the kind of role Angela Bassett can do in her sleep. But then again, Davis does have an oscar so she does know how to do acting. But the film totally belongs to Will Smith and Margot Robbie. Smith shows that he's still got the full on Action chops and his character came across as a mix of Mike Lowrey and Agent Jay from Men in Black and really makes me excited for the recently retitled Bad Boys 3, its now called Bad Boys For Live which is a fucking great title. Ive not seen Smith having this much fun in a movie in a long time and his Deadshot is a complete badass. It also helps that he has brilliant chemistry with Margot Robbie, reuniting after last year's conman flick, Focus. Then we get to Margot Robbie, completely embodying the character of Harley Quinn, Absolutely mental, violent, sweet and insanely hot. It was nice to hear some of Harley's little Harleyisms, such as calling the Joker Mr J and Puddin'. Robbie proves she can be the next massive female star to rival the hugely overrated Scarlet Johannson.

Ayer's Script, plot wise is a shambles, the tone is all over the place and some of the characters aren't given much to do. I would like to have seen more from Adam Beach as slipknot and a tighter more interesting plot. Dialogue wise, it's pretty on point, none of dialogue sounds wooden, stilted or boring. So that's a plus I guess.
The Cinematography is nice but very very dark, sure I know most of it takes place at night but with all the colourful promotional art, you'd expect the film, visually to fall in line with something like Batman Forever, not Batman & Robin though, that was too much, but no, the film looks like a grimy gritty, R rated film not a colourful PG-13 movie. This is one of the films biggest issues. It's just too dark.

I didn't hate the film but it let me down. I'm a big fan of David Ayer as both a writer and a director. His war film FURY was one of the best war films since Saving Private Ryan, he wrote the original Fast & Furious and Training Day and directed the brilliant cop thriller, End Of Watch, so it's a let down that Ayer, given $175Mil to make Suicide Squad delivers such a damp squib of a movie. Its' still better than BvS but WB need to take a leaf out of Marvel's book, Leave the dark and gritty at the door if you're essentially making a PG-13 movie. I'll definitely give it another watch further down the line but for now, once was enough. It's sadly a half marks film from this guy.  

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